The life you desire begins with slowing down and turning inward.

I offer meditation and mindfulness practices to help you quiet your inner critic, relieve stress and anxiety, and transform your life.

Listen to my meditations

Meditation offerings from my heart to yours.

Personalized Meditations

1 on 1 Virtual Retreats

When you want something that feels like it was made just for you. Custom-recorded 15-minute meditations with the exact message you, or someone you know, need to hear right now.

When you need a retreat getaway for one. A 75-minute 1 on 1 virtual session including personalized meditations and journal prompts hand-made just for you. Go deeper on your inward journey.

Chaos to Calm

Chaos to Calm is a self-paced digital course to help you explore your anxiety in a whole new way and learn tools to relieve it. Click below to learn more about the course and get instant access.

My Story

I was 12 years old when I started feeling poorly about my body. It was the first time I remember feeling like I was “wrong” because of who I was and how I looked. My journey of healing led me to meditation and yoga. These two practices became a safe place for me and led me down the most important journey - the journey inward. I am an InsightTimer meditation guide and 500-hour Registered Yoga Teacher and my passion is helping others go on their own inward journey to acceptance and healing through meditation.

Love from my meditation community.